Winded Child Symptoms
Parts of the lung Winded child, or asthma, is a disease that can affect a child's lungs. It can cause the oxygen in the airways to move abnormally.
Smoke can cause an asthma attack. Irritants such as cigarette smoke, air pollutants or smoke from burning debris in the environment can cause a child to develop asthma. Other causes include allergens such as mold, pollen, animal hair from pets, exercise and infections from a cold or the flu.
A winded child who suffers from asthma has symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, difficulty in breathing and a feeling of tightness in his chest.
A doctor who has diagnosed a child with asthma may treat her with an Albuterol inhaler or make changes in your home to decrease symptoms from asthma in your child. Changes may include keeping cigarette smoke or any other kind of smoke out of your home, switching to unscented cleaning products and changing air filters regularly.
Cigarette smoke causes complications. Children who are winded easily or have asthma should limit contact with pets and animals, reduce the allergens in the home and avoid being around cigarette smoke. A doctor may also request allergy tests for your child to identify possible irritants and allergies.