New Discoveries for Kawasaki Disease
Genetic Causes
Because of strong evidence that the disease has a genetic component (including the fact that it is much more common among people of Japanese descent than other groups), much recent research has focused on finding a genetic cause. A recent study by Onouchi Y. et al. at the SNP Research Center in Japan has found a gene that seems to be connected with the disease.
External Causes
While most of the focus of study has been on genetic causes, the Children's Hospital Boston has suggested that environmental factors may play a key. This evidence suggests a connection between Kawasaki Disease and exposure to carpet cleaners or stagnant water.
Infectious Causes
There is also the possibility that Kawasaki Disease is triggered by a viral or bacterial infection, and some recent studies have supported this connection. (Nakamura Y. et al.)
Aspirin Treatment
While treatment with aspirin has been a long accepted way to approach the illness, some recent research has called the safety of this treatment into question.
Corticosteroids Treatment
The use of corticosteroids has also been investigated, and corticosteriods are now used when other treatments fail to cure the disease.