Child Urinary Infection
There are three types of urinary tract infections in children. Infection in the bladder, which is the most common, is called cystitis; infection in the renal pelvis and kidney is pyelonephritis; and urethritis is infection in the urethra.
Symptoms in Infant
UTIs are less common among infants. Your infant may not show any symptoms other than a fever.
Symptoms in a Toddler
A toddler is more likely to have bed wetting and accidents during the day if she has a UTI. She may have trouble with dribbling urine throughout the day, and may complain of burning or pain when she urinates.
Symptoms in Older Children
In addition to the previously mentioned symptoms, a child may also have blood in his urine or urinate more frequently. If the infection is in his kidneys, he's more likely to have a higher fever and more generalized abdominal pain.
UTIs are most often caused by bacteria traveling through the urethra, thought it is also possible that bacteria traveled to the kidneys through the bloodstream. Young girls 3 to 5 years are most likely to suffer from UTIs because the female urethra is short.
If you child is complaining of UTI symptoms, take her to the doctor. The doctor will test for the presence of infection and prescribe an antibiotic; be sure she takes the full course of antibiotics.