Dental Care for Kids
Proper Brushing
Start dental care for your kids as soon as their first tooth appears. Buy a toothbrush that is appropriate for your little one. There are brushes available on the market that are specifically for the first teeth. Toothpaste companies have also made a special toothpaste for babies. This toothpaste does not contain the harsher chemicals of adult toothpaste and is not harmful when swallowed. As your children get older, teach them the proper way to brush their teeth. Teach them to brush all sides of their teeth. Show them how to brush the front and back of each tooth separately. Supervise their brushing until you are confidant that they get each and every tooth clean, even the ones in the back.
Brush their teeth at least twice a day, or preferably after each meal to remove all leftover food particles that could cause cavities. If they cannot brush their teeth after meals, especially lunch if they attend school, put some crunchy foods, such as apples, carrots and celery for them to eat last. The crunchy foods help to scrape plaque off the teeth.
Teach your child to floss. Buy floss that tastes good to kids to make it a little more appealing. They should floss at least once a day, preferably at night before bed. Show them how to wrap the floss around their fingers and get in-between each tooth. Make sure they know to use a new part of the floss as they move it from one tooth to another.
Visit the Dentist
Make regular appointments to visit the dentist. Find a dentist who makes your child feel comfortable to make the visits more productive and fun for your child. The dentist does a thorough cleaning and can help give your child some tips on keeping their teeth clean if they brush their own teeth. The dentist usually gives out new toothbrushes, renewing your child's excitement to brush their teeth.
Extra Protection
Watch the foods that your children eat. Limit sugary snacks and drinks. Hard foods, such as hard candies and ice are not good for the teeth. Chewing on these hard things can chip the enamel off the teeth, making them more susceptible to cavities. Add plenty of milk to your child's diet.
Replace their toothbrushes on a regular basis, about every six months. Flattened bristles do little to clean the plaque off of teeth.
Get a prescription for fluoride for developing teeth. Fluoride helps to strengthen the enamel of the teeth and protect it from developing cavities. Check with your city to see if you have city water. Many cities add fluoride to the water that comes out of your tap, which is an added benefit for your kids.