Olive Oil Head Lice Treatment
It is believed that olive oil will suffocate lice bugs when it is saturated onto the hair and scalp of the infested person.
Repeated Treatments
According to ourgoodhealth.org, the olive oil treatment should be repeated for three consecutive nights.
Household Treatment
It is still necessary that bed linens, clothing, coats, hats, stuffed animals and anything that has come in contact with the infested person, all be treated by washing and drying items on high heat settings.
As any parent who has had a child with lice knows, over-the-counter lice treatments can be costly, especially when additional treatments are necessary. Olive oil is relatively inexpensive in comparison to the popular brands of Nix and Rid.
Perhaps one of the biggest benefits of the olive oil treatment is that it is all natural and pesticide free, putting parents' minds at ease.