Importance of Nutrition & Fitness for Children

Children have different nutritional and physical requirements than adults. Ensuring that your child has nutritional-dense food options and plenty of activity helps ensure proper overall growth.
  1. Physical Differences

    • Children's bodies are different in several ways. Their airways are smaller, their lungs have less surface area and their hearts pump faster. Nutrition and fitness play a major role in these smaller, demanding bodies.

    Exercise Requirements

    • Regular physical activity is a daily necessity; it helps build and maintain healthy muscles, bones and joints. All types of exercise improve the quantity and quality of sleep.

    Energy Demands

    • Children have a higher metabolic rate; they require more food and sleep than adults. When they sleep, growth and cellular repair happens. Growth spurts are real; growth continues into the teen years.

    Nutritional Necessities

    • A child's body needs nutrition--not just food. If nutritional needs have not been met---by too much sugary/high-fat foods or not enough nutrient-dense foods---children are unable to perform at age-appropriate levels.

    Immune System Differences

    • Children's immune systems are under-developed and infection prone; their reserve and stamina are not like an adult's. Body temperature is erratic and easily disturbed by illness. Keeping their bodies rested and well-fed is vital.

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