The Best Home Remedy to Control a Child's Coughing

Coughing is not usually itself dangerous for children, but it is irritating and uncomfortable. It can also be a symptom of a dangerous disease. If your child is coughing, you should evaluate all his symptoms to make sure he doesn't have something serious. If the cough is caused by a simple cold or mild case of flu, it might be better for you to avoid over-the-counter medicines. There are many home remedies you can try to help improve your child's cough.
  1. Honey and Powders

    • Honey is an ingredient in many homemade cough remedies. Honey is soothing to an irritated throat. However, never give honey to an infant younger than 1 year old.

      Some cough remedies mix honey with something that will help loosen mucus and make your child's cough more effective. You can try mixing 1 tsp. of honey with a pinch of ground pepper, or mixing 2 oz. onion juice with 4 oz. of honey. You can also mix a pinch of dried turmeric in a spoonful of honey. If your child doesn't like the taste of these powders, try simply putting 2 tbsp. of honey in a glass of orange juice and having her drink it several times a day.

    Teas and Drinks

    • There are many teas and drink mixtures that will help cure your child's cough. Ginger tea, red raspberry tea, comfrey tea and honey suckle tea are all effective cough remedies. If the cough is caused by a bacteria, try mixing 2 tsp. of turmeric powder in a glass of warm milk and having your child drink it several times a day. You can also boil several cloves of crushed garlic in 1 cup of milk or water and then give it to him to drink. Or you can make a paste of 1/4 tsp. ground ginger, 1/4 tsp. red pepper, 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 tbsp. honey and 2 tbsp. of water. Give him 1 tsp. at a time until his cough is gone.


    • If your child's nose is clogged and her cough is tight, consider having her breathe a vapor that will help loosen the mucus and clear her sinuses. Steam from simple boiled water will help her cough; boil water in a large pot, and once it's cooled a little, hold her head over the steam, putting a towel over her head to keep the steam in. Be careful that the steam is cool enough to avoid burns. If that doesn't help, try boiling eucalyptus and mint leaves in the water and then having her breathe the vapors. The mint and eucalyptus vapors will soothe her throat and help clear her cough.

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