What Are the Treatments for Hair Lice?
By far the most important part of head lice treatment is the meticulous manual egg (nit) removal. Careful attention must be made to locate and remove every single egg because just one can hatch, mature and begin laying up to six eggs per day, 100 in a lifetime.
Over-the-Counter Treatments
There are several over-the-counter treatments available for head lice, many containing pesticides designed specifically to kill the adult lice bug. These do not typically kill the lice eggs but are still necessary to treat the infestation.
Treatment of the Home
According to Medicinenet.com, the house, as well as any objects that the infested people may have come into contact with, need to be cleaned thoroughly. This includes vacuuming rugs, couches, chairs and even mattresses. Bed linens and clothes should be washed and dried on high heat.
Additional Treatment
The CDC recommends that infested people have a second treatment up to but not before nine days after the first, to ensure any bugs that have hatched since the first treatment are killed as well.
Medicinenet.com recommends girls with long hair keep it tied back when at school, daycare or around any other children. Regular inspections should be done as well, to identify possible infestations as soon as possible.