Signs & Symptoms of Salmonella in Children
Symptoms & Signs
Signs and symptoms of salmonella infection include diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, fever and chills. Children are likely to have more severe symptoms than adults.
Salmonella is most often acquired by eating undercooked meat, eggs or poultry.
Time Frame
It can take up to three days for symptoms of contamination to appear in your child, and several hours to days for salmonella to run its course.
Most people recover without any treatment. Offer fluids frequently, particularly those that replace electrolytes. Children are at risk for dehydration from excessive diarrhea and vomiting. Serious cases might require hospital admission and IV.
Hand-washing is an effective way to avoid transferring salmonella, especially while cooking. Encourage your child to wash his hands frequently, particularly after handling any pets, since fecal contact is another method of transmission. Thoroughly cook meats and watch for "hidden" raw eggs in items like Caesar dressing.