What Is Puberty?
What Causes Puberty?
Puberty is activated by a tiny gland at the base of the brain called the pituitary gland. Once the pituitary becomes active, the hormones released by this gland stimulate other parts of the body.
When Does Puberty Usually Start?
The normal range for girls is 9 to 11 and for boys it is 9 to 12. Early puberty is defined as puberty that begins before this age range. In some cases, delayed puberty may also occur. This is defined as puberty that begins after age 14 in girls and in boys. Both early and delayed puberty can run in families, and both can also have medical causes as well.
What Are the Physical Symptoms?
In girls, the first symptom is usually breast development, followed by pubic hair growth, acne and then menstruation. Menstruation typically occurs 2 years after breast development. In boys, the first symptoms are increases in growth of both the penis and the testes, followed by the development of pubic hair, a deepening of the voice, acne and the growth of facial hair. Not every child will follow these same patterns when it comes to development, however, and variations are normal.
What Are the Emotional Symptoms?
The same hormones that cause physical changes also cause emotional changes. Children and adolescents experiencing puberty may feel anxious, confused and embarrassed, particularly if they are going through these changes earlier or later than their peer group. Mood swings are very common for both sexes during puberty.
When to See a Doctor
Symptoms of early puberty or no symptoms of puberty before age 14 are both reasons to see a doctor. Usually, early puberty is not treated, but the doctor will run tests to rule out any underlying medical condition that may be causing it. Many times, delayed puberty can be treated with hormone medications.