How to Tell If Your Child Has Dyslexia
Familiarize yourself with the classic symptoms and treatments of dyslexia. Dyslexia is one of the easier learning disorders to recognize. For a complete list of symptoms and treatment, visit WebMd's official website.
Notice if your child has difficulty pronouncing words. Dyslexia causes the brain to scramble and reverse letters inside words which can make it impossible to distinguish words and sentences.
Monitor your child's reading habits. If they avoid reading altogether there is a good chance they could be suffering from dyslexia. Reading can be extremely frustrating with dyslexia and is often avoided at all costs.
Have your child try to pronounce a few words for you. If they are way off it's a good chance dyslexia is reversing or mixing the letters up.
Have your child take a dyslexia test. These tests are usually made up of 20 or so questions about your child's habits that are easy to answer. Many different versions of the test are available via the internet for free.
Have your child tested by a professional speech language pathologist. Sometimes dyslexia can be confused with other learning disorders. Getting a professional opinion confirming any self diagnosis is always a good idea.