Fish Oil Benefits for Kids

Because fish is eaten by less than 10 percent of the American population as a whole, and is even less likely to be eaten by children, fish oil supplements are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids that may be missing from the diet. These nutrients have many benefits to children for both physical and mental health.
    • Fish oil may help children learn better.

    About Docosahexaenoic Acid

    • DHA is one of the primary fatty acids found in human brain tissue and is abundant in human breast milk. Studies show that children who are breast fed have more highly developed mental function and improved visual function than babies who are formula-fed by products that do not contain DHA.

    Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD or ADHD)

    • Studies have found that children with ADHD are chronically low in omega-3 fatty acids. One study from Goteborg University in Sweden found 50 percent fewer ADHD symptoms when children took a daily dose of fish oil.

    Improves Learning and Increases Test Scores

    • Even as babies, children perform better on standardized tests when they were fed a source of DHA. In one UK study, students who took fish oil scored an average of 17.7 points higher than those who did not. Children with learning disabilities were also helped by fish oil supplements.

    Prevent Future Chronic Disease

    • Omega-3 fatty acids may help prevent type 1 diabetes in children. A study from Norway found that children who received DHA as infants were less likely to develop sugar abnormalities because of islet autoimmunity (the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin).

    Eczema and Allergies

    • Fish oil may have a positive effect on eczema, which is common in children under the age of 5. People who suffer from eczema are often found to have low levels of omega-3 and may be prone to the development of allergies and inflammations.

    Safety of Fish Oil for Children

    • There are no serious side effects from fish oil supplementation. The most common is diarrhea. As long as the child is not allergic to fish, has a bleeding disorder or is taking anti-coagulant medications, fish oil supplements are likely a safe dietary regimen.

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