Chronic Cystitis in Children
Urinary Tract Infection
Often, chronic cystitis is associated with inflammation of other structures adjoining the bladder and then referred to as urinary tract infection.
Frequency of Occurrence
Boys mostly contract a UTI before their first birthday while girls suffer from it around the time they begin potty training. In children, chronic cystitis is often a congenital problem.
Symptoms of chronic cystitis in children include bloody or cloudy urine, frequent need to urinate, and pain or burning associated with urination. Fever, general ill feeling, chills or nausea could also be symptoms.
When your child is suffering from chronic cystitis, she will most likely need treatment with antibiotics, possibly for several months or longer.
To prevent UTIs, make sure your child stays hydrated. Keep the genital area clean to reduce the chance of bacteria getting in. Sometimes, long-term use of preventive antibiotics is necessary.