Diagnosis of Developmental Disabilities
Time Frame
Developmental disabilities typically become apparent within the first year of an infant's life. Parents may notice that the child does not seem to be doing what same-age peers are doing when it comes to physical or cognitive development.
Concerns about developmental delays should be discussed with a pediatrician. Typically, pediatricians ask questions about an infant's development at regular checkups.
The effects of developmental disability depend on the underlying cause of the delay and the severity of the delay. Some children with developmental disabilities will eventually catch up with peers while others may always exhibit delays.
The Battelle Developmental Inventory is one test that is used to diagnose developmental disabilities. This test rates developmental disabilities in the following areas: adaptive, motor, communication, personal-social and cognitive ability. This test can be obtained from a pediatrician or an early intervention specialist.
Early intervention for children with developmental disabilities can greatly affect the outlook for children with developmental disabilities. Therapies such as speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy can be especially beneficial.