The Best Food for Toddlers With the Flu
Give your toddler plenty of water, diluted apple juice and oral electrolytes specially formulated for children. Although clear soft drinks are beneficial for adults with the flu, avoid serving them to a toddler.
Chicken noodle soup and broths are a popular selection for toddlers with the flu. Do not feed your child chunky and acidic soups as this may upset his stomach.
If your child is able to keep food down, serve him starchy foods such as rice, noodles and potatoes. In addition, saltine crackers will help relieve upset stomach; however, avoid buttery crackers.
Feed your toddler applesauce and mashed bananas. Try to feed her as much as she is willing to eat so her body can regain its strength.
Every toddler enjoys snack time, so treat your child to sugar-free gelatin. Furthermore, feeding him electrolyte popsicles will assist in soothing a sore throat.