White Hair in Children
Cause of Graying
Gray hair is caused by the slowing of the pigment-producing cells in the hair follicles as humans age (see Reference 1).
The rate at which pigment production slows is almost always determined by genetics. This is usually the cause of premature graying, even in children, and can be tested by checking the graying patterns of relatives (see Reference 1).
B12 Deficiency
The most common reason for non-genetics related graying is deficiency of B12, a vitamin found mainly in animal-based foods. B12 deficiency might be caused by not consuming enough B12 or because the body is hampered from absorbing B12 because of other issues (see Reference 2).
Other Causes
Gray hairs can also be an indicator of anemia and thyroid disorders (see Reference 2).
If Concerned
According to Dr. Alan Green from drgreen.com, "Gray hair in a child should be investigated." If suspected, checks for B12 deficiency, anemia and thyroid disorders can be done by a doctor, as such conditions can have other negative effects (see Reference 2).