Girls' Knee Problems
Knee problems
Girls can develop knee problems early in their childhood, but problems especially start popping up around the early teen years. The knee problems that many girls experience are a direct result of changes happening to their bodies.
Chondromalacia patellae is a condition girls can develop. According to Orthoseek, chondromalacia patellae means softening of the articular cartilage of the knee-cap. Cartilage allows the knee to move smoothly and fluidly. As the cartilage under the knee-cap deteriorates, pain occurs because there is not enough cushion to prevent friction between the femur and the knee-cap.
Girls can experience other knee aches and pains as well as some serious injuries, such as a torn anterior cruciate ligament . Osgood Schlatter disease is another problem girls may have when developing, especially if they play sports. Note if tenderness, pain and swelling develop just below the knee-cap as these are signs of the disease.
Causes of knee problems
As girls grow, their knees may have to adjust quickly to support some weight gain. The strain on their knees may create aches and pains. Playing sports can also have an effect on girls' knees, especially if they are playing a very active sport such as basketball, which involves a lot of running. The pressure created on girls' knees from running can cause problems over time. Also, different movements in sports, especially quick changes in direction, can put strain on girls' knees and cause problems.
Knee problems that run the family
Knee problems can also run in the family. Arthritis seems like something that should affect only older women, but if if runs in the family, it can creep up earlier than expected. Arthritis is the gradual wearing away of cartilage, which can cause painful aching sensations.
Environmental effects
Girls' knee problems can be created by their environment. Certain activities can play a role in how well a girl's knees can hold up against those stresses. If a 16-year-old girl works where she stands for hours on end without sitting down for a break, this can wear on her knees. Also, if a girl walks to school every day, she may experience some pain from walking on the pavement for an extended period of time.
Preventing knee problems
Sometimes knee problems in girls cannot be prevented, but there a few steps that can be taken to help. Wearing the proper footwear may seem like a simple step, but it can be an effective means of supporting the knees. If a girl does a lot of running, she should wear a shoe with a lot of cushioning and support that will absorb the impact.
Also, girls should stretch often to encourage smooth movement in their knees. They should not overexert themselves while playing sports. They should rest when needed and always tell the coach and athletic trainer about any pain or discomfort they are feeling. Wearing knee pads can also help by preventing bruises or scrapes. Any injuries developed during childhood can create problems in the future.