Skin Care for Kids
Keep Skin Clean
It is important for children to keep clean hands. Children should wash their hands after using the restroom, or especially if they are ill. Make sure they use water that is comfortably warm, and use a gentle soap that will not dry the skin. They should wash between their fingers, under the fingernails, palms, and the wrist. During bath time, use a gentle cleanser, and be sure to clean important parts of the body such as the face, behind the ears, and under the arms. Avoid soaps that have fragrances or extra color because these can dry a child's sensitive skin.
Use Sunscreen Daily
Children should use sunscreen daily when they are six months and older. It is best to use sunscreen that has an SPF of 15 or higher. Remember to apply sunscreen at least a half an hour before exposure to the sun. It is important for protection against dangerous UV rays and can help decrease the chances of developing skin cancer later in life.
Keep the Bugs Away
If a child plans on being outside, it is important to use bug repellent. Bug repellent is safe for children who are six months and older. Make sure that the repellent contains a chemical called Deet. Deet aids in protecting against tick and mosquito bites. Also remember that if a child is going to be anywhere near the woods or an area that may contain many insects, dress them in protective gear that includes long sleeves, pants, and a hat.
Caring for Dry Skin and Acne
If your child has dry skin, use a gentle moisturizing cream or lotion. Purchase those that are free of fragrances or colors. Children can also try petroleum jelly, which can prevent acne. When a child has acne, it is best to clean the face with their fingertips instead of a washcloth. For troublesome acne,it is always best to contact your doctor to get helpful advice on the best facial cleansers.