Hemorrhoid Treatment for Children
Anal Care
Use baby wipes rather than dry toilet paper for wiping after a bowel movement. This will reduce excessive rubbing and harsh wiping in the anal region. Keep the anal area clean and dry as best possible. Avoid using soap when bathing the child and pat the anal area dry with a towel after bathing. Children should be encouraged to have a bowel movement as soon as they feel the urge, as resisting this urge can cause constipation, which will only further irritate the hemorrhoids. Additionally, try to limit the amount of time the child is seated on the toilet to less than five minutes to prevent unnecessary straining.
Home Remedies
There are currently no over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams suitable for use in children. There are, however, several home treatment options that can be used to relieve the pain and discomfort associated with hemorrhoids in children and promote quicker healing.
Administer childrens or infant ibuprofen to help with pain and inflammation. Be sure to contact your doctor or pharmacist for the proper dosage for your child's age and weight. Have the child soak in a sitz bath for 20 to 30 minutes several times a day. You can purchase a sitz bath that fits right over the toilet seat from most drug stores. If you would prefer, you can fill your bathtub with about 4 inches of warm water and have the child soak. Additionally, you can add oatmeal powder to the sitz bath to provide soothing relief. Cornstarch can be sprinkled over the anal region to control excessive itching. Apply ice wrapped in a towel to the affected area for about five minutes to provide relief from pain and discomfort. Petroleum jelly can be applied directly to the rectum to allow stools to pass easier and prevent irritation during a bowel movement. Keep your child active to improve blood circulation, strengthen the muscles and boost immunity.
A diet rich is fiber is extremely important in treating hemorrhoids in children and preventing them from forming in the first place. Hemorrhoids in children are often times the result of constipation, which causes hardened stools and straining during bowel movements. Fiber promotes regular bowel movements and reduces constipation. Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereals and breads, brown rice, whole grain pasta, nuts, seeds, beans and lentils are some examples of foods high in fiber. Avoid serving foods that promote constipation such as milk, cheese, ice cream, cakes, cookies and processed foods. The child should drink plenty of liquids throughout the day, preferably water or fruit juice. Do not give your child caffeinated drinks such as tea or soda as these have a diuretic in them, which pulls water from the body.