Body Odor in Young Children
Sweet Odor
If your child is producing a sweet smelling body odor, contact your pediatrician. Sweet smelling body odors can indicate health problems, such as a urinary infection or diabetes. Urine that smells like maple syrup can be a symptom of maple syrup urine disease (MSUD). This is a metabolic disorder, which left untreated, can cause physical disabilities, mental retardation and even death. The incidences of this disease are rare, appearing in only one out of 225,000 births.
Foot Odor
Young children with stinky feet can get rid of this odor by soaking their feet for five to 10 minutes in water mixed with either 2 tbsp. of vinegar or Epsom salts. The local pharmacist can provide you with a Betadine solution or Domeboro astringent solution to be mixed with water according to package directions. If your child's foot odor is very strong and these remedies do not help, see a doctor to rule out an infection or other bacteria that could be causing the odor.
Excessive Sweating
Sweating is a natural phenomenon necessary for the regulation of an individual's body temperature. Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition when a person is experiences excessive sweating. Kids who sweat beyond the necessary amount needed to maintain thermal regulation may have this condition. Treatment may be as simple as using antiperspirant or as complex as requiring medications or surgery. Talk to your doctor if your child's body odor is caused by excessive sweating.
Natural Treatments
Home remedies are available for treating body odor in young children. Dress kids in cotton clothing instead of synthetics as cotton allows for better air circulation for the body. This will help dry sweat before odor builds up. Limit your child's consumption of garlic, onions or other strong smelling spices as eating a large amount can cause body odors. Baking soda can be used as a deodorant by sprinkling under arms after a shower or bath.
Phenylketonuria (PKU)
Newborns that develop a musty body odor in their breath, urine or skin may be displaying symptoms of phenylketonuria otherwise known as PKU, according to the Mayo clinic. This birth defect is when a mutation occurs in the gene containing instructions for making the enzyme used to break down phenylalanine, an amino acid. Babies in the United States are screened for this condition at birth. The musty body odor smell is caused when phenylalanine is built up in the body. The treatment for people with PKU is to follow a diet limiting proteins.