All Natural Cures for Stomach Aches in Children
Before administering any all natural home remedy for a stomachache for a child, it is good to know the cause of the stomach pain. According to, the treatment of abdominal pain in a child depends on the underlying causes. The best way to treat a digestive issue is to cleanse the digestive tract and continue with a sensible diet after cleansing.
Heat and Juice
Place a hot water bottle over the child's stomach area. According to, this will aid in easing digestion and helping the elimination process. finds starting children with all natural fruit juice when they complain of stomachaches can help cleanse the digestive tract and also begin the elimination process. Orange juice is suggested, followed by a diet of fresh all natural fruit and vegetables for a day or two.
Broccoli and Honey
- finds increasing the amount of broccoli and honey in a child's diet helps keep digestive infections and stomach aches away. According to, broccoli reduces the amount of H. Pylori or bacteria called Helicobacter pylori that infect the stomach. Honey has antibacterial properties, which helps to keep the stomach working in a healthy manor. Honey also stimulates bile production in the liver. Bile is essential to the proper workings of the stomach.
According to, ginger is one of the best all natural home remedies to use in curing a stomachache in children. Ginger is helpful in easing stomachaches and pains due to dyspepsia, colic, spasms of the bowels and general stomach problems when not accompanied by fever. Americanchronicle .com suggests mixing a quarter teaspoon of fresh ginger juice with a 1/2 tsp. of honey and administering to a child twice daily until the condition dissipates.
Yogurt is also extremely helpful in easing stomachaches in children. Providing a child with plain yogurt that contains live and active cultures will act as a natural laxative. finds yogurt is a cooling agent and can help to settle the stomach and ease pain. Yogurt contains live and active cultures, which is an important source of bacteria for the stomach. This is the good type of bacteria that helps a child's stomach digest properly and fight infections. Adding bananas to yogurt will help with constipation and assist with the elimination process.
When to Call the Doctor
If a child's stomachache doesn't ease in a couple days, it is a good idea to contact a doctor. If a child seems to be in acute pain, a visit to the emergency room may be wise. Some children can have recurrent digestive issues that are caused by psychological factors. Anytime a child's stomach pains seem abnormal or questionable, contact a doctor to discuss symptoms and solutions.