Mental Abuse in Children
Ignoring a Child
Ignoring a child is a form of mental abuse. A child needs to have communication with the caregiver or parent. If your child is talking to you, you need to listen and make eye contact so she knows she is heard. Making the child feel as if they are not important enough to listen to or notice is mental abuse. It can cause psychological problems as the child grows. The child could grow into an adult that displays the same type of abuse, or they can become withdrawn from their peers because they feel that they are not worth the time.
Isolation of a Child
Keeping the child from other kids or adults can cause a feeling of isolation. Kids need to be around other kids and adults. Taking away the freedom to move around and participate in life can isolate a child and cause a fear that may stay with that child for life. Keeping the child from another parent is a form of mental abuse, as well. A child that is isolated does not experience friendships and will have problems forming their own relationships and friendships as they grow into adulthood.
Rejection of a Child
Acting as if the child is not good enough to be around or touch is a form of mental abuse. A child can only grow and nourish with human contact, which includes appropriate touching and interaction with parents and siblings. Making a child feel unwanted only encourages the child to grow up feeling worthless of anyone's love or respect.
Verbal Abuse
The worst type of mental abuse that parents portray is verbal abuse. Some parents think that because they are not hitting a child they are not abusing the child. Calling the child names or accusing the child of being worthless or useless is a form of verbal abuse, which is mental abuse. Telling a child he is useless or not good for anything can cause a child to have little to no self respect or self worth. As a child grows, she could treat others in the same way, become withdrawn from life or become a loner.
Terrorizing and Neglecting a Child
Making a child scared of something is abuse. Telling the child that he will get beaten if he does not eat his food, or that he must stop wetting the bed or he will have to go to the doctor can be terrorizing to a child.
Likewise, neglecting a child by leaving her to fend for herself is mental abuse. Children need guidance to develop mentally and physically.
Avoiding Mental Abuse
If you have a child, treat that child with love and understanding. Behavioral problems should be addressed in a calm manner. Yelling and criticizing is not the way to discipline a child or get them to listen. Compliment a child when they do something good, or for no reason at all. If you feel that you are going to say or do something that is not good or could sadden a child, walk away and do not confront the situation until you know how to handle it rationally.