How to Relieve Middle Ear Mucus Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Echinacea tea
- Garlic oil
- Homeopathic remedies
- A vaporizer
Elevate your child's head at night. You can do this by putting several pillows under the child's head, so that it is raised higher in the bed. Doing so will encourage drainage of the ears, reducing pressure and pain.
Try serving your child some warm echinacea tea. This herb comes from a plant that Native Americans have long utilized for medicinal reasons. It is antimicrobial in nature and helps to fight infections and their symptoms. Echinacea should only be used for a short period of time. You should not give your child this herb if he or she has an allergy to ragweed, daisies or marigolds or suffers from an autoimmune disease. You can find echinacea tea in health food stores.
Solve the problem with garlic. Slightly warm up a little garlic oil and drip a small amount of it into the affected ear. Repeat this every 3 hours. It can effectively help to clear up symptoms related to a middle ear infection and help to thin mucus. Make sure that the oil is only warm and not hot, so as not to cause injury. You should be able to find garlic oil at a health food store. You should always keep a bottle of it on hand, in the event future middle ear infections occur.
Take the route of homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies that are commonly used to treat ear infections include Hepar sulphurs calcareum, Mercurius, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Kali muriaticum and Ferrum phosphoricum. These can help ease symptoms, eliminate mucus and prevent the condition from recurring. Consult your homeopathic practitioner about the best remedy to use and about the appropriate strength and dosage to administer. Many homeopathic remedies can be obtained at health food stores.
Set up a vaporizer in your child's room. It aids in moisturizing the air and the steam coming from it can cause the mucus inside the ear to liquefy, so that it drains more easily. Vaporizers can be found at any drugstore.