Candida Diet for Kids
Foods to Avoid Eating
Yeast feed on sugar. A diet of sugary foods, fruit, refined flour, chocolate, yeast, fermented foods, starchy vegetables, vinegar and foods high in carbohydrates can cause an overgrowth of yeast. Avoid dairy products, because they suppress the immune system. Incorporate into the diet fibrous foods that can flush out the body, such as whole grains and legumes. Use lean meats when preparing foods like fish, turkey, chicken and tofu. Mix up the doldrums of vegetables by using a variety.
Yogurt contains the bacteria acidophilus, which destroys yeast. Choose a nonsugar brand that does not contain any fruit. You can make a yogurt dip for vegetables by mixing a container of plain yogurt with some of your child's favorite spices and herbs. Serve with a vegetables or turkey slices. Some kids may not like the taste of yogurt, so you can use acidophilus supplements. Because the supplements contain live yeast, keep the bottle in the refrigerator. For diaper rash, soak paper towels in yogurt and apply to the skin for a natural remedy.
Tailor make your child's candida diet by using the fibrous foods, lean meats and vegetables mentioned previously. The diet may seem restrictive for some, but it gives you the opportunity to be creative. Instead of mashed potatoes, smash up cooked cauliflower with a small amount of soy milk and margarine. Use gluten and yeast-free bread to make sandwiches. There are brands of wheat pasta that do not contain gluten. Cook pasta and mix in extra-virgin olive oil and vegetables. Refrain from using tomato sauce, because the acidity in the tomatoes can promote yeast infections. Make bean burritos with soy cheese and chicken. There are many different ways to make traditional recipes meals for the candida diet.