Causes of Hemorrhoid in a Child
When a child is constipated he strains to have bowel movements. This increases the blood flow and puts pressure on the veins around the rectum, causing hemorrhoids.
Dehydration causes dry, compact stools that are hard and difficult to pass. This puts pressure on the rectum, causes inflammation in the anal veins, and can lead to hemorrhoids.
Chronic Diarrhea
Chronic diarrhea causes dehydration which, combined with prolonged periods of sitting on the toilet and straining to pass stools, can cause hemorrhoids.
Avoiding the Bathroom
Youngsters can sometimes get so wrapped up in an activity that they ignore the urge to use the bathroom. This can result in compacted stools, constipation and ultimately lead to hemorrhoids.
To prevent hemorrhoids in a child, give him plenty of water and feed him a diet rich in fiber. Common fiber-rich foods include apples, apricots, beans, bran, figs, prunes, whole wheat, peas and broccoli. A child should also get plenty of water and exercise daily.
Typically, hemorrhoids in children are not serious and can be treated at home. But if your child's hemorrhoids are accompanied by bleeding, consult a doctor to rule out something more serious.