Chest Congestion Remedies for Children

Chest congestion occurs when there is an abundance of mucus in the lungs. The bronchial tubes are usually constricted, which makes it difficult to breathe. Chest congestion can be caused by a cold, flu, bronchitis, allergies or other conditions. Inflammation and fever often accompany congestion, which can cause irritability, the inability to sleep and a lack of appetite. Several remedies are available for children.
  1. Chest rub

    • A chest rub is an aromatic vapor that works through inhalation. Vick's Children's Rub and Congesto-K KiddieRub are both over-the-counter rubs that can be purchased at your local pharmacy or online. A rub works best when placed in a cup of warm water and heated for a few minutes prior to use. Place a small amount in your hands and rub over the chest and back area. You will see and hear results from the rub within minutes. The rub is usually administered at bedtime. These products are not recommended for babies under the age of 6 months; the vapors could be too strong for infants.


    • A vaporizer adds humidity to the room in which it is located. It increases the humidity around 70 percent, which can help sooth irritated bronchial tubes and ease the congestion in the lungs. A vaporizer also provides moisture to the nasal cavities, helping the child to breathe. Shut the child's bedroom door and turn the vaporizer on at least one hour before bedtime. Run the vaporizer all night. Vaporizers are safe for children of all ages.

    Other Treatments

    • Make sure that your child drinks plenty of clear liquids, which can thin out the mucus, making it easier to expel. Liquids also help soothe a throat that is scratchy from coughing. If the congestion is a bacterial infection, your child's physician may prescribe a liquid antibiotic to kill the infection, which will eliminate the mucus within the chest. Most over-the-counter medicines are not recommended for children; check with your physician before you give your child any over-the-counter medication for chest congestion.

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