Dry Scalp in Children
Tinea Capitis
There are five forms of fungal infection, or tinea capitis, that may be the cause of dry scaly scalp in children. Patchy areas of hair loss with dryness could be ringworm. A scraping of the area is needed for diagnosis. Ringworm is commonly treated with oral medication. If there are inflamed nodules around hair follicles, or scaling with discharge, these could also be signs of tinea capitis.
Cradle Cap
Seborrheic dermatitis, or cradle cap, is another common cause of dry scalp in children. It is usually found in children after birth, but is not uncommon for up to 12 months after birth. Cradle cap will often clear without treatment, but oil, Vaseline or hydrocortisone cream may be applied to affected areas for several hours. For older children, dandruff shampoo may be helpful. Talk with your doctor if cradle cap spreads to other areas of your child's body.
Atopic dermatitis, or eczema, also may be the reason for dry scalp in children. It may cause a child's head to be itchy or uncomfortable. Older children may have dry itchy rashes found in other areas of their body.
Psoriasis is thick silvery scales of the scalp. When affected areas are scratched, they may bleed. Contact your doctor if you feel scalp psoriasis may be the reason for your child's dry scalp. An over-the-counter shampoo that contains coal tar may be recommended.
Scabies can also be the culprit of dry and extremely itchy scalp in children. Scabies are very tiny mites that burrow into the top dead layer of skin eating dead skin cell debris. Scabies can infest infants as well as children and adults. Commonly, rashes will be found throughout the body when there is an infestation of scabies. Follow your doctor's directions for treatment and be sure to treat all family members from head to toe.
Dry Scalp
Dry scalp, or dandruff, can be due to change in season, dry air, allergic reaction and lack of moisture of the body. Changing shampoos or hair products with children can cause a dry scalp. During colder months, the air is dryer, causing scalps to dry out and become itchy. Frequently wash and condition hair when children are experiencing dry scalp and keep them hydrated. If dry scalp doesn't clear within three weeks, contact a doctor.