What Are the Causes of Roundworms?
There are many hundreds of species of roundworms; however, their mode of infection is the same. Adult roundworms live in the intestinal tract of the host animal. After mating, the female releases her eggs, which are expelled in the feces of the host. The eggs will lie in the soil until ingested by the new host. Roundworm infection happens most often in children, as they tend to be less conscious of proper hygiene practices such as washing their hands after playing in areas that may be infested with roundworm larvae, and placing their hands into their mouths often.
Roundworm larvae can also infest local water supplies, infecting anyone who drinks it. In order to prevent infection, it is imperative to drink only from treated water supplies and to avoid drinking lake, river or natural spring water.
After ingestion, the roundworm larvae will burrow through the stomach and into the abdominal cavity of the new host, where they will begin their trek into different organ systems, such as the eyes, lungs, muscles, brain, liver and spleen. It is in these organ systems that the larvae begin to cause problems for the host including: blindness, chest pain, coughing, difficulty in breathing, stomach pain and cramping, fever and rash.
Out of the many species of roundworm, the most commonly known is Toxocara canis or the dog roundworm. The eggs of this particular species of roundworm are especially hardy with the ability to remain viable in the environment for up to seven years, even under the harshest of conditions. Because of the ability of this parasite to produce large numbers of eggs,the ability of the eggs to survive in the environment for such a long period of time and the relatively short amount of time it takes for the roundworm to develop and reproduce, roundworm infection is considered one of the most widespread parasitic infections in humans.
Treatment of both pets and humans for roundworm infection consists of several doses of a broad spectrum dewormer known as pyrantel pamoate. During treatment, it is important to keep in mind that reinfection is also extremely easy. The eggs can be hiding in linens, carpets and upholstery. Linens should be washed in hot water, carpets and furniture should be steam cleaned and proper hygiene techniques should be followed at all times before, during and after the infection.
Prevention and Solutions
Education is the best method for the prevention of roundworm infection. Children should be taught to wash their hands and keep their fingers out of their mouths. Lawns should be treated and pets should be seen regularly by a veterinarian and dewormed often. Never allow your children to play in sandboxes left open for cats to use as a litter pan.
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