Hearing Protection for Children
There are many types of hearing loss, but the most preventable is noise induced hearing loss. NIHL occurs when the sensory cells of the cochlea, or inner ear, are damaged or killed. This occurs because of exposure to loud sounds, usually for lengthened periods of time or at high volumes. Some sources of unsafe noise levels may include lawnmowers, power tools, concerts, sporting events and MP3 players.
Ear Protectors
One way for a child to protect her ears is to wear hearing protection. This may include earplugs that are worn inside the ear, or external ear coverings such as ear muffs Earplugs are inserted into the ear canal and are therefore less visible. They come in an array of materials, including foam, plastic or moldable putty. Ear muffs cover the outer ear; some higher end models even contain noise-canceling electronics to block outside sound completely.
Volume Control
Controlling the volume on music is an important part of protecting a child's hearing. The smart use of portable electronic music devices is just as important as the use of ear protection at a noisy concert. With the increased use of computers, iPods and other MP3 players, children and teenagers use earbuds to pump loud music directly into their ears for hours at a time. Parents should make their children aware of NIHL, and learn how to control younger children's music volumes. IPods and many other music players feature volume locks, which prevent the volume from being raised past a pre-determined setting.
Ear Education
Perhaps the most important tool to protect a child's hearing is proper information. Parents should teach their children about the dangers of NIHL and the benefits of ear protection, and should demonstrate good hearing-protection habits themselves by wearing earplugs and keeping music at moderate volumes.
Children should have their hearing tested annually to monitor any changes. If you suspect your child is experiencing hearing loss, make an appointment with an audiologist or ear, nose and throat specialist for testing. The earlier hearing loss is discovered, the faster it can be dealt with, minimizing possible communication or language-acquisition problems.