Fun Yoga Moves for Children
Downward Facing Dog
The Downward Facing Dog, or "Down Dog" pose is a beginning yoga pose that will help your child build strength in their upper arms while stretching the legs and back. To perform the Down Dog, have kids get down on the floor on their hands and knees. Then, lift knees and stretch back, straightening the legs. Tell children to imagine someone is pulling them back from their hips. Straighten the arms and let the head hang down, with eyes on your legs. The Down Dog is often used in between poses, so this is a great place for kids to start learning.
Cat and Cow
The "Cat" and "Cow" pose can be done simultaneously and is a great stretch for the spine and chest. Start on hands and knees, with head looking down at the mat. Now, tell children to drop their chins into their chest and breathe in deeply while arching their backs up like a black cat on Halloween. Breathe out, lift your head and drop your belly, "sagging" like a cow.
The Cobra is fun for kids because they get to use their imaginations to pretend they are a snake. The Cobra also increases spine flexibility and strengthens the back and shoulders. Lie flat on belly with arms running alongside body, palms down and reaching toward the toes. Then, without moving your arms, have your child lift their shoulders and chest off the mat. They should look like a cobra in a "striking" position. Slowly lower down and repeat.
A wheel is great for improving flexibility, and kids are typically more flexible than adults. The wheel is basically a back bend, and many kids will feel confidence after completing this more advanced pose. Lay on your back and place palms next to your head, with fingertips pointed toward the feet. Place feet flat on the floor with knees bent about hip-width apart. Pushing equally with your feet and hands, lift up onto the crown of your head. Then, lift off the head and push the belly to the sky. Children now form a wheel shape. Encourage them to come down from the wheel easily, curling their chins into their chest and lowering down slowly.