Sun Safety Activities for Kids
Ask each child to bring a bottle of sunscreen from home. Provide blank paper and crayons and ask the children to draw a picture of their bottles of sunscreen. Explain that sunscreen helps our skin to stay healthy and not get sick from being in the sun too much. After arts and crafts time, have the kids put on sunscreen and go for a walk in the sun together.
Parade of Hats
Gather a collection of silly children's hats. They can be found inexpensively at thrift stores and dollar stores. Number each hat, then place corresponding numbers under the seats of the chairs the children sit in. Ask the kids to check under their seats and to wear the hat with the same number. Take the children outside on a parade to showcase their new silly hats. Make sure to talk about how hats help to keep our scalps from becoming damaged by the sun as well as help to keep the sun off of our faces.
Movie Star Sunglasses
Ask the children to bring sunglasses, then have them trace their sunglasses on blank paper. Provide crayons, markers, glitter and more so that they can decorate their own movie star sunglasses. Talk about the importance of UVA and UVB protection in sunglasses and how that protection keeps our eyes from becoming damaged by the sun. Have the children wear their sunglasses and head outside for some story time in the sunshine.
Clothing as Sun Protection
When the weather is not too hot, clothing can be used to help protect skin from the sun. Talk to the children about using bathing suit cover-ups and long sleeves when appropriate to protect their skin from the sun. You also might mention that they can ask their parents about buying special sun-blocking clothing. Ask the kids to dress dolls in clothing that would protect them from the sun, then have them participate in creative play, pretending that their dolls are spending a day at the beach.