The Best Ways to Remove Head Lice
The best and fastest way to remove a head lice infestation is with a medicated shampoo. The first line of defense is a shampoo which contains pyrethin or permethin. If you pick up a shampoo with either of these chemicals, follow the directions very closely. These shampoos are not foolproof, as lice in some areas have become immune to the chemicals. If the shampoo is not working, see your doctor for a prescription.
Several medications can be prescribed for the treatment of head lice. Malathion is a prescription which you have to rub into your head and scalp. This medication is flammable so you must stay away from heat sources. Also, if you are pregnant, this medication could affect the fetus, so check with your doctor before trying it.
Lindane is available as a cream, lotion or shampoo. This medication is applied to hair like Malathion. A doctor may not prescribe this drug if you are pregnant, HIV positive, breast feeding, or are prone to seizures. Side effects of the drug may include skin irritation and seizures.
Finally, benzyl alcohol lotion is a newly approved remedy for head lice. This lotion should not be used in children under six months old as this can cause serious side effects for the baby.
For children under two years of age, the first preferred method to try is combing the lice and eggs out of the hair. Using a fine tooth comb, comb through wet hair to physically remove the lice. This should be repeated every day for three to four weeks after diagnosis.
Cleaning Your Home
Just because you may have gotten rid of all the lice from your child's head, they still may be living in the sheets and carpet of your home. Lice can live up to two days without a meal and the eggs can live up to a day out of the heat from the scalp. Therefore, it is vital that you thoroughly clean your house to make sure you have gotten rid of any remaining lice. First, wash any bedding, hats, clothes and stuffed animals in hot water to kill off any remaining pests. Then seal everything away in an airtight plastic bag to make sure any remain lice die off. Finally, give your floor and furniture a good vacuuming to make sure they are free from lice.