Workout Programs for Kids
Jumping Rope
Not only do jump ropes provide a great cardiovascular work out, but also a multitude of games for hours of fun. However, in order to be a successful tool, it requires more than just handing a child a rope; children have the tendency to become bored of simple toys pretty quickly. Instead, get a few people together and try different double-dutch games. Not only will this provide a great cardiovascular workout, but it also encourages teamwork and bonding. Another way to put a spin on jumping rope is adding some upbeat music or having a contest to see who can jump the most.
Water Aerobics
Another fun activity that will help children keep up with a fitness regimen is water aerobics. Doing aerobic exercises in the water as opposed to on land can sometimes be even more beneficial because water acts as a form of resistance, which helps burn more calories in the same amount of time. If the child does not have access to a pool at her home or neighborhood, a weekly or bi-weekly trip to the local recreation center would be a fun way to break up a weekly routine. Some examples of water aerobics are swimming with a kickboard, jumping jacks, snow skiing and deep water jogging.
Obstacle Courses
Building an obstacle course, indoors or out, is a great way to not only get kids excited about exercising but also allows for a wide range of activities and mental challenges. Depending on how much room you have, an obstacle course could be made up of sprinting, weightlifting, balance, hand-eye coordination and team work; the possibilities are practically endless. Inviting other kids from the neighborhood would also give your children an opportunity to work on friendship building and competition.
Doing yoga on a weekly basis helps keep the body flexible and strong; it also increases stability, coordination and body awareness. Teaching children the art of yoga not only helps keep them in shape, it also helps to instill the ideas of self-worth, self-empowerment and the importance of relaxation. Introducing your child to yoga may provide you with inner peace, as well as peace and quiet.