How to Protect Small Children From Getting Sick This Season
Always wash your hands, your little one's hands, and have anyone around your small child wash their hands often. Hand washing is the best protection from sickness and infections. Anytime you, another parent, a relative, or friend want to be around or pick up your small child, be sure they have cleansed their hands first. Germs and disease can spread easiest from hands and make small children very sick, especially during the fall and winter seasons when people stay indoors more often. Keeping your little one healthy means protecting them from other people's illnesses through proper cleansing. Your small child will be less apt to get sick if you and everyone around your child washes their hands before playing with him (or her). You can also use hand sanitizer as well when you are unable to wash your hands. Use the hand sanitizer on your child as well to keep him clean from germs.
Keep pets and pet hair fresh and cleaned up often. Pet hair laying around the house can make your small child sick, especially if pets are let outside often. Pets can carry illnesses in their hair that can be spread from person to person. Also, bathing your pet often will keep germs at bay and prevent your small child from getting ill as often. If your child loves playing with your family pet, keeping your pet clean is a definite necessity. Pets can carry fleas, bugs, and skin conditions that are obtained from the outdoors. Pet dander and hair has a tendency to fly all over the house, even if you don't see it. Keeping pet's clean and vacuuming your furniture and floors often will help protect small children from getting sick if your pet does carry illnesses into the home.
If you smoke cigarettes, cigars, or pipes...smoke outside. Smoking in the home is the leading cause of ear, nose, and throat infections in small children. Children inhale the smoke from tobacco and get it into their lungs making it more difficult for them to breath. This lowers their immune system and makes it harder for them to fight off infections and viruses. Smoking outside will help your small child to stay safe from illness as long as you keep the doors shut and no smoke gets into the home. Children who live in smoke filled homes are far more likely to develop respiratory infections, viruses, and ear infections that can lead to surgeries such as tubes in the ears and tonsillectomies. Protect your small child from getting sick by smoking outside and making other who live in or visit the home do the same.
When you or other children and adults are sick, stay away from kissing your little one on the mouth. Getting your face into your child's face when you are ill increases the chance of him getting a cold, the flu, or another form of infection. It's best to stay away from your small child's face when you or others are sick. Ask those that come to visit to do the same. You may even want to purchase facial masks that can be worn by sick adults and children to protect your small child from getting ill. These can be purchased at any drug store or even Wal-Mart. Germs are quickly spread through our saliva which means when you kiss your child, sneeze near your child, or even blow your nose, you risk the chance of making him sick. Try to avoid getting super close to your child at least until you or other sick people are feeling better. This will protect him from getting ill as well.
Feed your child healthy foods like fruits and vegetables often and make sure he takes a daily multivitamin. Protecting your small child from sickness means strengthening his immune systems with good foods, vitamins, and minerals. The better your small child eats, the more healthy his immune system will be to fight illness. Also, taking a daily multivitamin boosts him immune system by giving his body the vitamins he needs to stay strong again infections and viruses. If you are unsure about the type of vitamins to give your small child, try asking your pediatrician first. Most recommend a daily multivitamin with fluoride to protect your child's teeth as well. Foods rich in fiber, calcium, vitamin A, B, C, and D are a great way to help your child stay healthy against illness also. Your pediatrician can suggest foods that are good for your small child depending on his age and needs.