Energy Foods for Children
Eating foods with high protein levels provides kids with healthy energy. Proteins, including fish, chicken, meats, legumes and nuts and tofu, are one of the six food groups. Proteins can be added into meals or snacks easily. Hard-boiled eggs are protein-filled snacks and also fun to eat. Having kids peel eggs helps promote fine motor skills.
Dried Fruit and Nuts
Having a mix of dried fruits and nuts is a fantastic high-energy snack. Dried fruits are high in iron, which provides energy. Nuts are a protein, which also provides long-burning energy. Dried mango is a fun on-the-go snack that is full of vitamin C and iron.
Whole-Wheat Breads and Cereals
Breads and cereals, as grain products, are a part of the six food groups, and eating whole-wheat breads and cereals full of healthy grains provides long-burning energy. Whole-wheat breads and cereals are considered low-glycemic foods, which provide long-lasting energy because carbohydrates take longer to be broken down into simple sugar or glucose for the body to use.
Fresh Fruits and Juices
Fruits are part of the six food groups and provide natural sugars for the body to use to create energy. Making sure juices only contain natural sugar helps keep additional calories down and provides healthy nourishment for a child's body. Bananas are high in potassium, making them a satisfying and energy-filled snack. Bananas contain complex carbohydrates helping keep energy levels high.
Green Vegetables
Vegetables that are green are full of beta carotene, vitamin C, and fiber. Vegetables are also part of the six food groups. Green vegetables help maintain energy levels and provide healthy nutrients for growing kids. Adding spinach to whole wheat pasta or using zucchini to make delicious snack bread sneaks healthy greens into food without kids knowing it.
Water is the best option for thirsty kids. Staying hydrated helps the body to work it's best, and keeps kids safe from dehydration during the hot summer months. Making sure to offer water along with meals and snacks instead of soda is beneficial to creating healthy kids. Using a reusable water bottle helps keep the Earth healthy also.