Homeopathic Bronchitis Remedies for Kids
Homeopathic Remedies
The best natural treatment for bronchitis in kids is an increase in fluids. Water is always best for hydration, but you can also offer re-hydration fluids or ice chips. Fluids help thin mucus, making it easier to cough up, and can also soothe sore throats. Fluids will also prevent dehydration. Try to encourage your child to drink at least four eight-ounce glasses of fluid daily while treating her for bronchitis.
Equipping your child's bedroom with a vaporizer can also provide relief for bronchitis conditions. For optimum results, start the vaporizer at least 30 minutes before your child goes to bed. Add eucalyptus and lavender oils to the vaporizer water for a soothing aroma that further promotes relief from bronchitis. Try propping your child's head up at night by adding extra pillows or raising the head of her bed to assist breathing.
Soothe your child's bronchitis with chicken soup, which doctors now believe promotes healing by clearing mucus secretions better than other liquids. A tea composed of a tea cup full of water, a few teaspoons of lemon juice and at least one teaspoon of honey will also soothe your child's bronchitis symptoms and is also thought to loosen congestion. Children who are experiencing pain from coughing and chest congestion may also benefit from using a heating pad on their chest while relaxing. The heat may also promote the loosening of chest congestion as well.
When to See a Doctor
Homeopathic bronchitis remedies for kids may not be the best situation for you and your child if your child is experiencing serious complications. Although bronchitis usually clears up within at least two weeks, in certain cases bronchitis in kids that is not treated by a physician may develop into pneumonia. Children who are suffering from bronchitis should see a doctor immediately if they are having trouble breathing, wheezing, have a fever of 103 degrees or higher, coloring seems to be blue such as the lips and/or tongue and seems unusually lethargic.
Although there are many herbal homeopathic bronchitis remedies available at natural food stores and recipe concoctions available online, parents should always seek the advice of their child's pediatrician before administering any type of alternative medication or herbal solution to their children.