Are Drugs the Best Way to Treat ADHD in Children?
Symptoms of ADHD
Symptoms of ADHD in children can be hard to recognize. Most children are constantly active, playing, talking and generally "being children." Some of the symptoms of ADHD can include being easily distracted, constantly fidgeting, disrupting class, frequent daydreaming, excessive talking, not completing things often, moving, talking or being active when their classmates are quiet, and leaving their seat to do other things during class.
There are many children who are simply bored with school, making it difficult to diagnose ADHD properly. If your child does not seem to have trouble concentrating, they probably do not have ADHD. ADHD is a disorder that makes sufferers lose concentration easily. Usually those with ADHD move from one task to another without completing tasks and this is not only true in school, but at home as well.
There are many medications that have been proven to help children with ADHD. For children over the age of 3, Dexedrine, Adderall and Dextrostat are often prescribed. For those over 6, Adderall XR, Vyvanse, Ritalin, Focalin and other medications are prescribed. Unfortunately, as with most medications, there are side effects. ADHD medications are stimulants which often cause insomnia, loss of appetite, tics and personality changes.
The benefits of medication for children with ADHD are tremendous. Not only will the medication boost your child's concentration, it will also help him complete tasks, improve his memory, relieve stress and reduce hyperactivity.
Alternative Treatment
The cause of ADHD is still undetermined. Because of this, there are other treatments besides medication. Many parents have noticed a difference in their child by simply changing their child's diet to include high-protein meals. Others notice a difference with behavior therapy. Unfortunately, the behavior therapy does not have a great effect without the use of ADHD drugs.
Most of the diets for ADHD include fruits, vegetables and extra protein. A good source of protein is fish. Unfortunately, these diets do not work with children who have an extreme case of ADHD.
Until the cause of ADHD is determined, the only sure way to help your child is by using the medication prescribed by doctors. You can speak to your doctor about relieving the side effects of these pills, and perhaps even preventing them. It may also be helpful to speak to your doctor about methods that will help relieve the ADHD symptoms so the dosage on the prescribed medication can be lowered.