How to Take Care of a Sick Child
Check your child's temperature on a regular basis to rule out fever. The easiest thermometer I have found is depicted in my photo. It's very easy to use and read. Don't try to sweat out the fever, either. Treat the fever with Motrin, a cool cloth and rest.
If your child has a fever, or pain, you may want to use Tylenol or Motrin. Your child may not like taking the medication, but it will be helpful. There are also medications out there for coughing, congestion, sore throat, and fevers. It can be a bit intimidating knowing which medicine to choose from but I would recommend checking out Triaminic, which specifically states the different symptoms it treats.
If your child has had a cold or flu, it is very possible that they now have an ear infection. An older child can tell you clearly that their ears hurt. The pain can be quite intense so be watchful of symptoms. The pain is described as a sharp stabbing pain in the ear. If they are too young to tell you that their ears hurt, you may notice them pulling on their ears, screaming and crying. Take them to their Pediatrician to be checked out and if necessary, placed on antibiotics.
If your child is experiencing stomach cramps and diarrhea, generally they just have to get through the symptoms. However, you can help them get through them by making sure they drink lots of water, Pedialyte (the frozen pops work great for older kids) and stay away from spicy foods. You may want to place them on the BRAT diet, as well. The BRAT diet is bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.
If your child has a bad cough, you might want to consider buying a humidifier for his/her room at night. Simply adding this one thing to their bedtime may allow them to actually sleep at night. Also remember that their back and ribs will get sore from coughing, so massage them gently with lotion at bedtime. You can also try some cough medicine to help them, as well.
If you found this article helpful, please check out my resource below, "Cure that cold! Fight that flu!" at a reasonable price.