Homeopathic Cold Remedies for Children
Using Homeopathy
Homeopathic remedies made especially for children are usually liquids or pellets (tablets) in a base of lactose (milk sugar). The pellets dissolve almost as soon as they are placed in your child's mouth. To use a remedy that does not come packaged specifically for children, Dr. Edward Shalts describes two ways to prepare a dose. One way is to take a small bottle of spring water and pour out one-third of the water. To the water remaining in the bottle, add three tablets (pellets) of the 30C strength of your chosen remedy. Recap the bottle and allow it to sit for five minutes. Shake the bottle vigorously. Give one teaspoon of this water to your child as one dose. You can use this liquid for two days; it does not need refrigeration. Shake the liquid before use. The second method is to crush three 30C pellets of the remedy you have chosen between two spoons to create a powder; add a drop of water to the powder to create a paste, and administer that to your child as one dose.
When you are choosing a remedy, match as many of your child's symptoms (physical and emotional) as you can. Often one dose of the correct remedy will provide relief. If one dose does not provide relief, try a second dose. If no results are produced by two doses, choose a different remedy. Homeopathic remedies are safe for children of all ages, but if your child is on prescription medication or under a doctor's care, talk with your doctor about all medications you are using. If your child is running a high fever or under three months of age, always consult with you doctor.
Most Frequently Used Remedies
Aconitum is the remedy to use at the onset of a cold, especially if your child is becoming ill after having been out in cold, dry weather. This is the right choice for a child who seems fine at bedtime, but wakes up in the night with a croupy cough. The remedy Allium Cepa is used when your child has a runny nose that is better in fresh air and worse when the room is warm. The discharge from your child's nose may irritate his nose so much that just wiping his nose is uncomfortable. Your child's eyes may be red and teary, and he may be rubbing them frequently. He may be sneezing violently.
Euphrasia is used for children who also have runny noses, although the nasal discharge in this situation is not irritating. It works for children whose eyes are watery and whose eyes and cheeks are red and look chapped. The runny nose and sneezing are worse when the child is lying down and at night. Your child may develop a harsh cough and hoarseness on day two or three. Her cough is worse when she is up and around in the daytime, and better when she is lying down at night. Pulsatilla is another remedy used to treat colds. Children who benefit from this remedy often have chronic colds. Their nasal discharge usually causes no irritation, but is thick mucus, often yellow or green. These children have congestion that is worse at night, and often end up breathing through their mouths to sleep; this dries out their mouths, but these children do not complain of being thirsty. The type of child who benefits from Pulsatilla is sensitive, emotional, moody, easily hurt, and cries easily as well. This is the child who craves your attention, sympathy and wants to be fussed over.
Other Choices
There are other homeopathic remedies which may be useful depending on your child's symptoms. If your child's nose suddenly stops running and he develops stuffiness, a headache, and a fever, use Belladonna. If your child's nose is not running and she has a dull pain at her forehead rather than an all over headache, choose Bryonia; children who respond well to Bryonia do not want to be in a warm room, and crave cold drinks. A child who is very sensitive to cold, although he may prefer cold drinks, who frequently has colds and always seems to get a sore throat with his cold can benefit from Calcarea carbonica. Bloody noses or bloody nasal discharge are an indication for Ferrus phosphicorum.
There are two remedies for children who tend to get colds after periods of stress. For a child who alternates between a runny nose and a stuffy nose, choose Nux vomica. For a child who has a runny nose, watery eyes, and frequent sneezing, choose Natrum muriaticum.
In addition to these individual remedies, there are commercial combination products designed especially for use with children. Hyland's, for example, makes an entire line of product for children's health. When using commercial products, follow package dosing instructions or consult a homeopathic practitioner.