Cough Remedies for Kids
Honey is a natural cough suppressant. As honey coats the throat it soothes inflammation and relieves some of the most severe cough symptoms in children. While honey is never safe to give to children under the age of 1 because of the risk of botulism, it is a wonderful natural cough treatment for older children. A study done by the Penn State College of Medicine research team determined that honey given before bedtime was more effective than over-the-counter medication in children.
For many children suffering from cough symptoms, warm steam from a shower or cold mist from a humidifier can greatly reduce coughing with no side effects as with medication. Sitting in a bathroom with the door closed and the hot shower running can be very helpful for children suffering from croup or who have a cough that prevents them from sleeping at night. A cold-mist humidifier can be very helpful in the child's bedroom at night. It is important to never use a hot-steam humidifier because of the risk of severe burns for a child.
Safe Medications
It is always best to treat coughs with natural methods in kids to avoid the risk of medication side effects. There are a few medications that can be safely used on children. Vaporizing rubs--rubbed on a child's chest--are a safe and effective way to relieve cough symptoms in kids; but they should never be used in children who are young enough to accidentally get the medication in their eyes or mouth. Acetaminophen can be used to make a child more comfortable if they have a fever with the cough. Be sure to determine the dosage based on the child's weight.