How to Get Rid of Head Lice Non-Toxic Treatment
Early detection is key to keeping your child free from head lice. Signs of infestation is scratching, red scalp and sores. Checking your child's hair frequently for live bugs and eggs, especially during the school season, will help keep your child clean. If you ignore the signs or put off the treatment it will only result in more suffering for your child and more work for you. Treat as soon as possible. Although lice don't cause any health risk, they are highly contagious and bothersome.
Over-the-counter medications are the most used method of attack. The product Nix contains the ingredient permethrin. This product may be used on children over the age of 2 years. The benefits of using Nix is that it continues to work for up to 2 weeks after the first use of the product. Do not use conditioners before or during this 2 weeks as it will coat the hair and reduce the killing effects it will have on the lice. Another product Rid, contains pyrethin and is another popular choice in lice treatment. Be sure and apply these medications as directed to get the best results. The downside of using these treatments is the chemicals that we are placing on our children's heads. With the over use of the products the lice are also building up a resistance so you may find that they don't work as well as they claim.
Home remedies are growing in popularity. Many schools are noticing that the usual otc treatments are not working as well due to the resistance the lice are build up from over use. Using mayo or olive is recommend to smother the lice. The mayo is left on the hair for several hours to overnight. This can result in a big mess and a fussy child. After all that, you will still need to comb the hair with a special nit removing comb. The actual effectiveness of these treatments are not actually none. Some believe that they work well because you still must comb the hair.
Herbal remedies are other suggestions. They can consist of tea tree oil, and other essential oils. These are not regulated by the FDA and should be used with caution, especially, with younger children.
My sure fire method of getting rid of lice without chemicals is picking out the lice. I apply a leave in conditioner to help with tangles and pulling. I then comb the hair with a metal lice comb. The plastic ones don't work and hurt when pulling through. You will need to do this near a sink so you can rinse off your comb often. You wouldn't want to place anything back in the hair. Divide the hair into small sections, small enough that you can see the scalp and every strand of hair. Look closely and remove anything you see either with your comb or with your fingers. Be sure and have a good light shining on the hair. If you miss one egg or one bug it will result in reinfestation.
I've also found that if you have packing tape, you can sit in front of the t.v. and remove the lice and eggs. As you pull the lice or bugs out place them on the tape to keep them from getting on your furniture or carpet.
Checking and cleaning the hair daily is essential. A female louse can lay 3-5 eggs a day. The eggs will hatch in 7-10 days. It doesn't take long to have a problem again.
Besides removing the lice and nits from the hair, you will need to remove them from household items. Be sure and wash bed clothes and vacuum carpets. Anything that can't be washed should be put in a bag and set aside for 24-48 hours. The lice and eggs cannot live long off the human head.