Home Remedies for Colds in Children
Warm tea with honey and/or lime is great for kids that have a cold. Honey is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic. Plus, it can soothe an irritated throat and reduce inflammation. Honey should never be given to children under the age of one because there digestive system is not mature enough to digest the components. Lime is also an antiseptic and an excellent source of vitamin C. Ginger tea is great for kids with a cold because it helps reduce fever and relieve cough.
Not many things soothe like a warm bath when you are sick. There are many essential oils that you can add to your child's bath water to help ease the symptoms caused by a cold. Try adding a few drops of lavender essential oil to a warm bath. Make sure the oil is well blended before your child gets in the tub. The lavender essential oil is great for kids who have a cold because it helps them relax and the vapors can soothe a cough caused by chest congestion and bronchitis.
You can easily ease a sore throat by numbing it with a cold Popsicle. Make your own Popsicles using Popsicle sticks and an ice cube tray. Use a nourishing juice like apple, grape or even orange juice. Your kids will love it and it will make them feel better. You can also puree berries and make frozen fruit pops. Berries are rich in body nourishing antioxidants and vitamin C.
Basic Care
At the end of the day, the best home remedy for cold relief comes from the basic care. Make sure your child is getting plenty of rest and fluids. More often than not a cold will run its course in 7 to 10 days. However, home remedies can help make your child more comfortable and in some cases shorten the duration of a cold.