What Is Good for Children's Constipation?
The long-term solution to alleviate constipation in your child is to make dietary modifications. This includes reducing drinks with caffeine that may dehydrate your child. Encourage them to drink more water and fruit juices. Increasing fresh fruit and vegetable consumption will not only help add more water to their diet but increase their fiber intake for more stool mass. The more mass, the more the muscles will be stimulated to move the bowels. Because of this you should also have your child eat grains and cereals high in fiber such as oatmeal.
Laxatives and Enemas
Laxatives and enemas can help your child tquickly get relief. But consult your doctor before administering either of these methods. Read the labels before giving a child under three years of age any medication or stool softener. Glycerine suppositories can be administered to children as young as 18 months. Do not administer the suppository more than three times and only do so 24 hours apart unless directed by your pediatrician. If your child is still unable to go to the bathroom, seek medical attention immediately.
Heat can help relax the abdominal muscles, which can be enough to stimulate your child to go to the bathroom. If your child has not been very active, encourage them to walk around and move about. Another method: rub their belly in calm clockwise circles to relax the muscles and aid in the movement of stool down the intestinal tract. A warm compress is also effective, as if having your child sit in a warm bath.