Recommendations for Impulse Control Problems in Children
Medical Problems
Many medical conditions can cause mood and impulse-control problems in children. Investigating and treating these issues, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, may resolve such problems. Medications are available to treat ADHD, but the symptoms can also be improved through avoiding sugar, allergens and chaotic situations. If your child is diagnosed with ADHD or another medical condition that affects impulse control, his doctor will provide multiple treatment options for his individual situation.
Sleep Disturbances
Sleep problems can interfere with a child's ability to learn self-control. Lack of sleep results in an unfocused and cranky child who acts out. Establish a sleep schedule by making sure she is in bed at the same time every night and up at the same time every morning. If insomnia persists, she may need to be seen by her doctor to check for underlying medical conditions.
Providing consistent discipline will help children with impulse issues understand the consequences of their actions and learn to control them. Discipline should be age-appropriate and geared toward teaching the child appropriate behavior. Try to make sure the consequences of his actions are logically tied to his mistakes, so he understands the link. A structured environment can also be beneficial. Allowing your child to make age-appropriate choices will give him the chance to practice thinking before he makes a choice.