Yoga Routines for Kids
Teaching Yoga to Kids
The key to teaching children yoga is to make it fun and creative. The poses can be more interactive than an adult yoga class would be; for instance, children may take turns playing teacher during poses of the routine and individualize the poses. Some examples given may be letting the children bark during the downward dog---or slither during the cobra. Classes must start and end with relaxation poses and breathing.
Yoga and Kids' Attention
Short attention span is the most difficult challenge when teaching children yoga. Making the routines more interesting and creative will help hold their attention and motivate their long-term interest in yoga as well. Helping children with calmness, confidence and balance, yoga is able to help them with hyperactivity problems and ADHD. Over time, attention becomes less of a problem, as yoga teaches the children to focus, which improves their attention.
Yoga Poses for Kids
The key to teaching yoga poses to children is visualization. In order for children to understand and believe yoga, they need to picture it in terms they understand. One example is translating certain poses in fun ways that they will understand, like the tree pose becomes standing like a flamingo. During breathing, have children imagine themselves standing tall like a tree, teaching them the inner strength that comes from yoga.