Exercises for Overweight Kids
Get Out and Walk
If your child is overweight, encourage him to get some exercise. Parents must lead a good example. Going for an evening walk in good weather is a good way to get the entire family involved in kick-starting metabolism, getting those legs moving and spending quality time together. Start with a walk around the block, and then gradually increase distance. Join charity walks or events sponsored by neighborhood groups or community events.
Dance Fever
Encourage your children to engage in fun activities that they won't even consider exercise. Dancing, bike riding, skateboarding or rollerblading are just a few examples of activities that children can have fun doing while getting the benefits of a good cardio workout at the same time. With any type of exercise or activity, start your kids off slow so they don't increase their heart rates or breathing too fast, too soon. Start with 10 to 15 minutes of such activities, make sure they wear protective gear, and most of all, be a part of their world. Watch your kinds play (exercise) and encourage them to drink plenty of fluids and, most of all, have fun.
Keeping It Simple
The American Heart Association recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate intensive activity a day for children. Keep activities simple to start. Lead your children in three 10-minute, two 15-minute or, if you can, 30 minutes of solid activities every day. Basic exercises can include but are not limited to toe touches, arm windmills, waist twists (a Hoola-Hoop is great for this one), and knee bends and squats. You don't need fancy, expensive equipment or a gym membership to keep your child active. Besides group activities like basketball, baseball, soccer or football, encourage your child to engage in gymnastics or dance.