How to Calculate BMI for Girls
Things You'll Need
- Calculator
- Tape measure for height
- Accurate weight scale
- Pen and paper
Calculating BMI for girls
Measure the child's height and weight. With the child standing against a flat surface such as a wall and standing on a flat floor with no carpeting, use a standard tape measure to measure from the floor to the top of the child's head while she is standing straight, wearing no shoes or hair accessories. Weigh the child using as accurate a scale as possible--preferably a digital scale--while she is wearing minimal clothing and no shoes.
Calculate BMI using a standard formula once an accurate height and weight are obtained. First, square the height measurement in inches. For example, if the child is 36 inches in height, multiply 36 by 36. Then, divide the child's weight by the squared height number. Then, multiply the result by 703. So, the formula would be read like this: weight / height squared x 703.
Use a BMI growth chart to plot your child's BMI according to her age. The growth chart will determine what percentile the child's BMI falls into for her age. The percentile range for healthy weight and BMI is from 5 percent to 85 percent, with less than 5 percent being underweight and more than 85 percent being overweight. A child whose BMI falls into the 95th percentile or greater for her age is considered obese.