High Fiber Diet for Children
Sweet choices
Most fruits are high in fiber and sweet tasting. They should be made available every day for snacks and also served as desserts. Fruits high in fiber are apples (especially the peel), oranges, bananas, berries, prunes and pears.
Breads and other carbs
Children love bread and other high carb foods. It is fine to feed children these foods provided you make whole grain choices. For instance, serve whole grain breads instead of white bread. Whole grain cereal instead of Froot Loops and Honey Combs, and brown rice instead of white. Other carbs you can serve children are rolled oats flavored with fruit, and whole grain buckwheat pancakes. A great snack you can provide are muffins or high fiber "cupcakes" from scratch.
Sneak fiber
Vegetables are an important part of a high fiber diet. They include many vitamins and minerals that are not present in fruit and carbs. The best way to get small children to eat high fiber vegetables is to sneak them into meals. Shredded carrots and chopped broccoli can be added to casseroles like macaroni and cheese. You can add beans to their favorite soups, and add bran to meatloaf and burgers. But don't get too heavy handed as they may taste it.