Meningitis C Vaccine Side Effects
Meningitis C vaccine is used to prevent against the type C strain of N. meningitidis, a bacteria that is responsible for causing meningococcal meningitis and meningococcal septicemia. Both meningitis and septicemia are fatal diseases; meningitis is caused by infection of the membranes lining the spinal cord and brain, while septicemia is caused by a severe infection of the blood.
The Meningitis C vaccine contains the polysaccharide coating of the meningococcal type C strain of bacteria. When it is injected into the body, it induces the immune system to react as if it is combating the actual meningococcal bacteria. The immune system produces antibodies against that particular strain. If the bacteria is encountered by the body in the future, the antibodies will already be in place to fight against it and prevent the individual from developing the disease.
Minor Side Effects
A number of minor side effects are associated with Meningitis C vaccination. The most common is redness and swelling at the site where the shot was administered. The Meningitis C vaccination is usually injected into the arm, and the individual may experience soreness in that arm for up to 24 hours after the injection. Some people have headaches, feel fatigued and experience a general feeling of illness after receiving the vaccination.
Serious Side Effects
While serious side effects of the Meningitis C vaccine are extremely rare, there are several that, if experienced by an individual who has been recently vaccinated, require prompt medical attention and possible hospitalization. The side effects usually occur within three days of the vaccination and include an extremely high fever, seizures, hives, rashes, swelling of the face or the mouth and difficulty breathing.
The Meningitis C vaccine is extremely effective, with more than 98 percent of vaccinated individuals displaying complete immunity to meningococcal disease following their vaccination. Fewer than 1 in 10,000 experience any serious side effects to the injection.