Fun Exercise for Kids
Exercise doesn't have to be boring. Plenty of kids get their exercise by playing sports. Organized sports can be an excellent outlet for older kids, but younger kids need some time to play sports that are not organized by adults. Sandlot baseball games, one-on-one basketball in the backyard, or a neighborhood game of capture the flag are all fun for kids of all ages, as well as a great source of exercise.
Running is perhaps the easiest way for kids to get exercise, especially if the kids are younger. Take a walk with your children, and challenge them to see if they can "run to the next mailbox by the time I count to 10." If you are watching several kids, let them play tag or one of its variations--freeze tag, elbow tag or water tag.
Following the Leader
This game is an excellent way to keep your kids moving. Start off as the leader, and have your child follow your lead as you hop over things, crawl under things, and turn somersaults and cartwheels. Following the leader can be played outside, in a large playroom, classroom or even hallway. In time, let your child be the leader.
The Great Outdoors
Take advantage of outdoor excitement, no matter what the weather. Snowball fights are a great way to work off excess energy, and building a snowman or a fort can give your kids quite a bit of exercise without them noticing it. Shoveling snow or raking leaves will work their arm muscles, and climbing trees will work their whole body.